Saturday, December 10, 2011



Sometimes, when you feel lost and unsure of yourself, a simple personality test brings you back home. In Amanda B Stuckey: Reclaiming Me, I want to share with you my personality test results and how it reminded me of who I am.

As from the title: I am, according to CenterMark testing, an ENTJ.

E = Extrovert
N = Intuition
T = Thinking
J = Judging

Now each one of these doesn't mean the definition of the actual word. So here's a summary for you;

E = Get satisfaction from engaging the people around them and interacting with them.
N = Are innovators. And prefer to focus on possible innovations, new markets, and adding value.
T = Choose to take a step back and analyze situations - looking at the pros and the cons and get a solid understanding of the landscape before making a decision.
J = Like to plan ahead and work towards closure.

About 1-4% of the female population are ENTJ's. But what really kind of hit home was the description of an ENTJ. Here's what CenterMark says they are (I am);

-- Frank and decisive
-- Natural leaders
-- Think on their feet
-- Exude confidence
-- Are well-informed
-- Action and achievement oriented

ENTJ's are born to lead. So natural in their leadership abilities that is has been said that ENTJ's cannot not lead. Our attitude ..."There has to be a better mouse trap."

I read this report and it made me pause. Everything I was reading I could pinpoint a time in my career that I performed or executed that exact action that they were describing. You know the statement, "I am woman hear me roar!"

Well, "I am ENTJ...let's move forward!"

OK getting of my soapbox now. Coming back down to earth. But really, this little test reminded me of who I naturally am and cleared some of the haziness out of my brain. There is always a solution no matter how desperate the situation seems.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pulling Out - Not What You Think


First off, get your head out of the gutter. The title of today's Reclaiming Me is not referring know...(keeping this as PG as possible for younger readers)but of getting yourself out of that "Pit of Despair".

If you've been following me for whatever reason, you've noticed that it has been like this from the beginning. Ups and downs. All the time. It can get tiresome you know. Anyway, hopefully you're not bored with this yet and hopefully I can tell you how I did it this time around.

Well first off, I prayed. And prayed hard. As I said earlier, I thought I had everything settled and somewhat under control. I had a plan of action. Had all the steps laid out and then it just went up in smoke.

I asked God what I needed to do. And like most times when you think you really need to hear him - he is silent. Allowing you to think on your own but mysteriously working in your life. One night I woke up out of a dead sleep with one word in my head: TRUST.

I interrupted that I must trust God and I need to trust that I am doing the right things to get what I need and what my family needs. If we get tangled up in the mess of the details then we lose focus on the big picture. And this is true not only in life (MPO = My personal opinion) but in business and sports and anything, or any goal you have. Trusting in yourself is really hard to do when you've grown up to not trust yourself or your intuition.

So start to trust yourself. Your instincts. In my case, God. Sorry for going all Holy-Roller on you today but I felt I needed to - and what did we just talk about - trust. Practicing what I preach. Thanks for listening.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Word of the Day: SIKE!


I thought I would put up a quick post from Amanda B Stuckey: Reclaiming Me and let you know that I'm back. Back from the known to the unknown once again. It's one of those 90's words right : SIKE! Where you thought you had something but you really didn't.

I mean really. I got to a point where I was think I can handle this. I can spend time with my children, pay attention to my husband, work and help people, and also get a little me time in there too. Financially, well we weren't lottery winners by any stretch of the definition but we were ok and I for once was very thankful for that.

Then BAM!


Things go right back out of control. And my sanity went with it. Anyone seen it lately? Tell it to come home, it's missed.

I'm back in my black hole. Anyone familiar with the "Pit of Despair?" Or how about the "Land of Stench". Gotta love Princess Bride and Labyrinth movie references right?

Well imagine either of those two places, then magnify that destructive negativity by 50% and you have successfully identified my situation. In other words, Hopeless. (Not really but sometimes you just need to vent and give in - so humor me here)

I fear that I will have to go back to trying to find a 9-5 job and go back to the drawing board. And frankly, I don't have the energy or passion to try to do the song and dance for a future employer just to get told..."You're too over qualified you'll get bored in this position." Or one I love even better is the NO reply at all. Where you never hear from them after you apply. That's really cool. Nice job.

Anyway enough for today before I drag you into my world. I promise I will post a happier more sunshiny blog later this week. But until then...

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gotta LOVE Beta Testing

Hello Everyone!

Thought I would share this with you to see if it sparked any curiosity.

Let me know. Shoot me a comment or an email.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

BioElements Product Review - For the Love of Skin


I wanted to write a quick post. I know I have been away for so long. Most of you probably thought I fell off the face of the earth. And I did for a little while.

Sometimes, life catches up to you and knocks you over like a giant wave. I've been struggling just to get air but I found a reprieve in my Esthetician, Monica Esfahaniha at For the Love of Skin here in San Diego county.

I went to her wanting to find someone who could help me fight the on going battle with again and wrinkles and gosh knows what else. I came across Monica and emailed her.

She quickly emailed me back and we set up an appointment. She explained to me that she uses BioElements products for her facials which I had never used before. Well, let me tell you I am IN LOVE with BioElements. I use the following products:

Decongestant Cleanser

Then I use the Create Firm which helps keep my skin firm hence the name.

Then I finish with a moisturizer called Beyond Hydration which isn't a cream but a gel and my skin loves it. I am usually very sensitive to moisturizers but this one soaks right in.

And of course, I use the Multi-Task Eye Cream to help out with my dark circles and puffiness. Gotta love genetics.

I would highly recommend that if you are the San Diego area to contact Monica. But you can also order products right off her website and they will ship directly to your door!

Click on the next link to learn more about BioElements Skin Care products!

Remember you have to care of both the inside and the outside!

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda ;)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011



It's been awhile since I last posted. Please accept my apology. On Amanda B Stuckey - Reclaiming Me - I want to talk about endurance for a moment.

Endurance applies to many areas of life. Most people automatically think of athletic venues.

Today I want you to direct your endurance definition to the mind.

The Thinker, by Auguste Rodin in 1902, was the image that popped into my head while I was "thinking" about this blog post.

I can not imagine the time and endurance it took him to create this magnificent sculpture in bronze. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

Mental endurance is a skill set that can be developed and is an necessity of survival. If you mind breaks then your spirit and well being quickly follow. Trust me, I've had that happen before and it manifested itself into something called Bell's Palsy.

Bell's Palsy is when the 7th cranial nerve gets inflamed and swells, cutting of the circulation to one side of you face thus paralyzing one half of your face. The 7th cranial nerve is the only nerve in the body that is housed by a bone. Anyway, this has happened to me 3 times and on alternating sides of my face. As a result of the second time it happened, the right side of my face has some residual paralysis and doesn't move like the other side of my face. Talk about a real downer.

Anyway, my point in sharing this with you is looking back on those 3 times, I could pin point the exact moments where my mental endurance caved in thus my body quickly followed in caving in.

How do you build mental endurance?

Quite honestly, I am still trying to figure that one out. But of what I have experienced, I believe that effectively managing the stress in your life is an exercise that will build mental endurance.

--Controlling your reactions to disastrous events as best you can
--Taming your temper if you have one (like me)
--Learning how to stop and think instead of instantly react

All of the mental exercises will eventually become habit forming and your endurance will prove to be a great asset to your life in general. This year has been a particularly opportunistic year to practice your mental endurance I think.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to share them. I am always up for learning and growing.

Thanks for listening.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011



I swear the one thing I absolutely just want to kick myself for is when I feel or think I have a great idea and WHAMO! I find it somewhere else and it's been there for a long time.

KEY EXAMPLE: Today, for no reason at all, I thought let me "Google" my name and my blog name, Reclaiming Me, to see if anyone else out there is using it.

Come to find out there are quite a few people out there doing the same thing I am - using the same name and have the same focus. While I know that being unique is one thing that can get you noticed...OBVIOUSLY I am not unique today.


Therefore, and it's probably really bad practice to do this but I am chancing my blog name slightly to my name, Amanda B Stuckey, and then Reclaiming Me. Probably a bad move but seriously, this just plain blows.

I sure hope this isn't what my whole day is going to be like.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Journey...NOT THE BAND

Good Morning!

I wanted to put out a post today just for the fun of it and it ended up being a good one, I think. Let me know and type a comment on my Facebook page or here if you can.

Reclaiming me is supposed to be about the trials and tribulations of losing yourself and rediscovering yourself.

How do you lose yourself you ask?

Gosh...let's see your job, your boss, your co-workers, your home, your kids, your spouse, your house, your pets, your parents, your grandparents, your in-laws, your cousins, your friends, your town, your church, your social life (or non-existence of one), etc..

I think you get the point.

When you're young, you have dreams and goals. What's great about that time is there is


stopping you. You can't see the pitfalls, the tragedy, the dark times of life. You are carefree and pure in your own thoughts and feelings.

Then people, things, and events start to mold your from this divine being into something NOT DIVINE. Thus, the beginning of you begin to losing yourself. Responsibilities over take your life and you forget about you.

It's kind of an "oxymoronic" occurrence really. You know like jumbo shrimp (oxymoron).

Think about it for a sec here. You start out with good intentions. As a child, your going to be a surgeon (that was mine). Then your conscious begins to develop and you start seeing other kids who want to be firemen or dancers. You start to doubt your choice of surgeon. You go into middle school and high school and become preoccupied with the opposite sex (which unfortunately never goes away).

Then, in college (if you get to go) you revisit your original goals to find out that it's too hard or more "fun" to hang with the "cool" kids. Some of you may have done this in high school too. You change your major 5-6 times. End up graduating only to find out, that it's nearly impossible to find a job in your major. Or the competition is so fierce that you get out ranked and out scored by hundreds of others.

So you lose a little bit more of yourself because you have to compromise to just make a living.

Enter responsibilities.

You meet the right person.
Start a family.
Buy a house.
Get a dog.
Have more kids.
Change jobs.
Etc, Etc, Etc...

Responsibilities are escalating at a fierce rate, huh?

And during all this, you put yourself and your wants and needs aside to make sure that everyone else in your life has their wants and needs.

This is wrong. Very wrong. Now I'm not saying be totally 100% selfish and let the crying infant fend for itself, but you have to make time to reclaim who you are and what makes you happy.

The problem I am having (and I see others having too) it that you are so far removed from yourself that you don't know, or remember, what it was you wanted in the first place. And the journey back is much harder than arriving at your current destination.

So take time for yourself. 15 minutes. 30 minutes. 1 Hour. Make sure you hold onto you. It will make you stronger for all of those around you.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Internal GPS Defective

Good Morning,

I am currently not in my normal location but needed to do a blog post. I have a question to pose...

Has anyone felt like they don't know which was was up, down, left, right, in, out, or any other direction?

That's where my internal GPS has had some sort of malfunction. Reclaiming Me has had a serious internal GPS defect surface.

At least in the past, I've been moving forward. Just one direction. It's been foggy, couldn't see my hand in front of my face, taking baby steps, but now...nothing.

I'm am truly lost. What do you do?

I am honestly asking anyone out there in cyberspace...

What do you do?

I refuse to curl up into a ball and sit still because I feel like if I do, then I will get stuck there inevitable. Frozen in place. Time standing still. And I know that's just not right, not right for anyone.

I had an aunt say to me, "You're going through one of those dark periods that life gives you from time to time."

That's a scary thought.

I believe her but it doesn't lessen the intensity of the situation. I asked her, "Any idea how long these last? I am about tapped out."

She responded, "What's that saying, God only gives you what you can handle."

While I find some comfort in that statement, it's still frightening because of the unknown.

--Don't know how to react
--Don't know what's ahead
--Don't know where our lives are heading
--Don't know how we are going to survive
--Don't know what to decide
--Don't know...
--Don't know...
--Don't know...

Man am I rambling today. Sorry everyone. Well, I think you get what reclaiming me is trying to get at today.

The one thing I, you, anyone, cannot do is give up.

HOPE that it will work out. FAITH that the good people of this world will be rewarded. PATIENCE that perseveres through this dark time.

Stay strong my friends (I feel like that XX Dos Equis beer commercial dude saying that). The advice for the day. Just stay strong today and see what tomorrow brings.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda ;)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Well let's see here - it's been what about three/four weeks since my last post to reclaiming me. Not that anyone is really interested in my personal life but the last month has been full of "fishpaste".

If your not familiar with the term - watch Spongebob Squarepants. It's his swear word. And a darn good one.

Let see what happened (and I'm going to generalize so as not to get personal because I really don't want to relive the details). Yes, I am selfish that way.

#1. Got hopes up
#2. Hopes got crushed by emergency surgery
#3. Learned I could have died
#4. Reality strikes
#5. Find out something tragic has happened to a loved one
#6. Approximately 2 weeks later that loved one is gone

Yup...that about covers the ENTIRE month of March and a little extra just in case you really didn't get the depth of what was happening.

All the while, I've had one company take a serious look at me after 4 months of consistent searching.


So what did we learn during this episode of reclaiming me...

-> Life if just a bunch of "fishpaste"?

NO. Don't take for granted the little things in life that surround you each day. The most powerful thing that happened to me was realizing that I may have left this earth, my husband, my children, even my dog without ever saying goodbye. And that's when the tears started and still have not stopped. But I put on my brave face and keep on moving forward.

Take a moment out of your day and look at what's around you. Be thankful for the little, common, there everyday consistently, things in your life and appreciate them.

Until Next Time

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Simplicity of a Dog

Good Afternoon Everyone! about a crazy, hectic week. This has been one for the books. And it's primary theme:


Which, by the way, I have none or atleast very little of. Today's reclaiming me is all about patience and finding it when you need it. That's why I'm going to breifly talk about what I mean by "simplicity of a dog".

Honestly, reclaiming me is really about you and everyone reading this blog. You're looking for someone to relate to or for a solution that just might work this time that someone else has pioneered. Here's yet another suggestion on how to look at life. Sometimes all you need is a little perspective change.

Imagine you're a dog. First, of course, pick what kind of dog you want to be. What are your primary concerns? Food.....(yup).....Water......(yup)......AFFECTION.......(Totally).

And if your lucky, a nice, warm, dry, comfortable place to sleep. Other than those needs, nothing else really matters.

And when you spot a bird and start a chase - that's a luxury and a highlight of your day! Or maybe you get to go to the dog park and sniff a few new butts...right? That again, is the best day of your dog life up until this point! What's tomorrow going to bring! It's all so exciting.

So, as I am learning, slowly, enjoy life's simplicities. Both the good and the bad. As I am sitting here, outside, watching my chocolate lab Daisy, and she is splayed out in the sunshine, litteraly smiling. Sniffs the air. Barks at the neighbors then promptly returns to lay by my feet. The only thing missing right now is a large, fuzzy tennis ball in which she can retrieve and go again. (But we will do that once I'm done with this post - little does she know)

So take a lesson from our finely furry friends, the canines, as I have today in reclaiming me and getting closer day by day.


Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda (BARK!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011



I just wanted to put up a quick post today. I'm in the middle of organizing my work desk and I got a blast of inspiration after having a great phone call with an old friend. And in the theme of reclaiming me...I think this fits perfectly.

I have a mantra-tastic lesson for you courtesy of someone who is wise beyond his years and a fantastic person in general.

I am currently struggling with myself (which seems to be a re-occurring theme here at ol' reclaiming me....but hey... what are you gonna do, right?)

I feel like I'm about to deliver one of the ten commandments here

"And, thus, Phil said to me..." (see what I mean)


These are the new mantra's for me. Hence why I named this little ditty "mantra-tastic".

As most people do naturally, we have the tendency to lean towards the fear of a situation and it becomes self fulfilling. For what reason I have no idea, it's seems easier (maybe more exciting) to dwell in the fear of a situation. When the reality of it is, it creates nothing but pain, dread, and suffering.

We also tend to want to control where we go, what we do, how we live, etc...and lose the freedom and sense of peace that dealing with the here and now gives us.

So my advice to you is to put this on your vision board as I have done today.


I trust in god. I trust in the universe. I trust that my destiny is being presented to me and I will not fight it but welcome it with open arms and an open mind.

Until next time.

Stay Cool.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pig-Latin ROCKS


T'sia as reatga aydq odayta.

Pig-Latin Translation = It's a great day today.

Throwing some curve balls at you today because that's what I've been getting the past couple of days and I thought maybe I should pay it forward.

In my attempts in reclaiming me, an event of massive proportions has been lowered over my head. Something that will change me and my life forever.

But today, I just wanted to teach my respected and loved readers something you might not know how to do.

WARNING: If you don't know how to do this already and you try this on someone they will (I repeat WILL) do one of the following:

A. Think you've REALLY lost your mind once and for all
B. Laugh (because they are terribly uncomfortable)
C. Talk back to you in the same fashion

Pig-Latin. Remember, reclaiming me is about helping each other get through those low points in your life. You're going to have them and I find Pig-Latin a refreshing way to break the seriousness of the event, day, hour, situation, whatever.

Here's how you do it:

Take the first letter of the word and place it at the end of your word like such:

Penny = Ennyp

Then add the letter A to the end of the new word:

Penny = Ennyp = Ennypa

Then pronounce it the best you can.

As you practice, you can talk in full sentences as I have done to those I love when things get stressful. The laughter that comes from it helps alleviate and relieve any tension and lets you move on with your day with a smile and a memory.

I would NOT recommend you do this in the board room unless you have a fun-filled board who would appreciate a good conversation via Pig-Latin.

Ntilua extna imeta. (Until Next Time)

taysa oolca. (Stay Cool)


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dad-Gum Short Term Memory Failure : Reboot! Reboot!

Good Evening,

I woke up this morning with the best title for my blog today and thought to myself..."Don't forget that title - it's perfect! - total eye catcher!" And what do you know - I can't remember. And I am so bummed out about it. Short term memory gets worse and worse as you get older.

Maybe it will come to me while I post this update. Let's pray.

This week has been an interesting one to say the least. Two days (four total if you count the weekend) where family was off from school and home 24/7. Had a great meeting with an friend down in San Diego. Got to meet an amazing spouse of a woman I am volunteer with at church/school and he has worked wonders just today (thank you god - keep your fingers crossed).

So...all-in-all...I think that it's been a great week especially compared to other weeks I've had and shared with you. ~This is when I think "you" need to take note and mark these days so you can fall back upon them when you're having those, more frequent, "not-so-good" days. Hence my Adobe Illustrator artwork below.

One last thought for the evening. I need to heed my own advice - I can hear myself telling myself this right now even before the words become reality and type themselves on this blog page...

(Side Note: I heard that those who talk to themselves are actually way above average intelligence. Well...even if it's not true... I'm taking it ! Take em' when you can get em'!)

It's not always going to be bad. There has to be a balance in the world.

--Good cannot exist without evil.
--Evil cannot exist without good.

The ol' yin and yang theory. And it's true.

YOU also control how you react to those bad days. As I am slowly learning. I have found this trick works for me - maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't.

Less reaction to the bad = happier state of being.

Until next time.

Stay Cool.


P.S. That killer title I had - never came to me. Oh well...I'll remember one of these days and use it in another post in the future.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Holiday Schmoliday


Been a little while since I posted. Well, my family has been home for three straight days and we're about to go onto a fourth. I love them, I really do but I can't get squat done when they are here.

Funny story - my son was watching Cat in the Hat (the newer version with Mike Myers) and the part where he pulls out the "Phunometer" comes up. I start to giggle to myself because I can only imagine what the "Phunometer" would tell me.

So... I personally think I'm right between the Bedwetter and the Control Freak. A little of both. Yeah - I know I'm probably breaking some cardinal sin on admitting that but I come from the school of complete and utter honesty. No matter what.

Honesty can bring you both good and bad circumstances. Trust me I know first hand - and it really all depends on who you're telling that certain truth to.

Short but sweet today - what does the "Phunometer" say you are?

--Just Right?
--Rule Breaker? (My normal reading)
--Control Freak?

Have a great night and enjoy your holiday if you're getting one!

Stay Cool,

Amanda ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stuck like a Goldish?

Good Morning!

I hope that everyone is having a great start in their day or had a great start depending on where in the world you reside.

I'm going to try to not be so doom-and-gloom today. I know...I know...bummer. I have to share this photo with you because it truly capture how I feel today.

Hence the name of my blog today. A picture is worth 1000 words. What do I see in this image?

Well #1 I see a fish in its natural habitat being restrained so that it can't do what it was born to do. Someone is wasting it's god given talent.

What can a goldfish do? What purpose does a goldfish have on this earth?

I'm sure someone knows. I'm not a fish expert but I am smart enough to know that they are part of the "circle of life". (HAHA) Maybe their sole purpose is to help regulate the bug population so insects don't overthrow the world. Who knows, someone does, but that's not me.

But the point is that that - image - is exactly how I feel. I'm being restrained somehow. Maybe I'm restraining myself. Maybe it's my situation that's restraining. Maybe my support system isn't strong enough where I need it to be. Some aspects of the support system are strong while others lack.

Any of you feel this way?

How do you handle it? I tried baking - no relief. I tried exercising til I fell over - no relief. I tried praying - no relief. So I just accepted...I stole this phrase from someone else but it rings true to ALL SITUATIONS:

~~It is what it is~~

Feel free to let me know what your methods are - I'd love to hear them.

Stay cool.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

FU....The words of the day

Good Morning!

Yes, I know what you're thinking. FU is an abbreviation for something profane. Well it's actually not. It can stand for Furman University or in my case it stands for FOLLOW UP.

On my journey of reclaiming who I am, I am following up with some people I reached out to for advice and counsel. I have yet to see this method actually work out but I will keep the faith.

Anyone ever have any success this method?

Gotta keep it short this morning but will return later. I am however going to check out a some software called Vocus. It's PR software that may be very, very useful to some volunteer projects I've been elected to help out with that I will tell you more about later if you're interested.

Until then...

Stay cool.


P.S. My son just came into the office and said he had a "headegg" (AKA: headache). To be 4 again and not have a care in the world. SO JEALOUS.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Declined...What am I an ATM machine?


I swear. I like to swear in special cases like this too. Three jobs and thanks but no thanks. Really? Not even an interview? If I had played a huge part in making you $16 million dollars a month wouldn't you say...hmmm...let's check this one out.


Keep on truckin'. That's what all the "employed" or people who don't need to work keep telling me. I guess that's the best and only advice I can take at this point.

I'm trying to reclaim - I really am. But sometimes you have days that just kick you square in the face, stomp you into the ground, and laugh the entire time doing so... stripping your will and sense of pride right out of you (what little you've built back up).

Hopefully tomorrow bring a better day and more opportunities.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's been one of those days...


I know that everyone has them. You have a stream of days that just seems to never end and everything happening is NOT positive.

A dear friend of mine is having similar luck. She lost her father recently and unexpectedly, broke up with her long time boyfriend, and had a birthday today which she wasn't looking forward to. I told her, "Look on the bright side - usually bad things come in three's then they leave you alone for awhile." Or at least that's been my personal experience. You just have to let the people you love know that you're there for them and sometimes that's all you can do.

I am going to do a personal plug for a VERY good friend of mine, she's the CEO of the DSWA (Direct Selling Women's Alliance). Phenomenal woman who has done a TON of stuff in her life including overcoming some of the worst and bleakest times in her life.

She, her daughter Grace, and the DSWA team are putting on, what they call, a celebration from April 28 - May 1 in Dallas, TX. They have amazing speakers and what they teach is motivation and personal growth among many other women oriented subjects. I highly recommend checking them out.

They have some really great free reports from those who range from those just considering a direct selling gig to those who are already established leaders and executives. The event in Dallas will leave you motivated, rejuvenated, and just simply feeling good about who you are. Nicki Keohohou, CEO and Co-founder, is am amazing person whom I have had the pleasure of personally meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions about them and I can either attempt to answer them or get you in touch with someone who can.

Sometimes when I am in a rut I try to blog about something positive and it usually helps me get out of that "rut". I do hope that you take a peek at the DSWA and if you know anyone who would benefit from a positive environment like the upcoming celebration PLEASE pass on the link included in this blog.

Until next time my friends,

Amanda B Stuckey

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Journey Continues....

Good Afternoon!

The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of information and hamster wheel movement.

What in the world is a "hamster wheel movement", you ask? Let me take a moment to describe the feeling and you can tell me if you've ever experienced it in your life and/or career.

Researching companies, industries, job postings, and writing letters to try to get someone to speak to me. Sending out emails and applying to jobs that meet your expectations and great looking companies yet nothing comes back. No calls. No letters. No thank you's. No nothing. You feel like your in a hamster wheel running for your life, moving so fast, doing so much work, but getting nothing in return. That's the hamster wheel movement. It's a bit of an oxymoron.

Sadly, I was warned that this would happen. When I was originally told that I thought to myself, "nope I'm not going to get dragged down", "I'm not going to be like all the rest". And here we are today, feeling exactly like I was told I was going to feel.

Mind over matter? Some may say yes. And I do agree with them but what "they" (the experts - we all know one) doesn't take into consideration are all the external factors reminding you of your current job requirements and trying to rebuild yourself simultaneously after getting knocked down. The matter, hands down, wins more than it should. I am embarrassed to admit this but sometime you have to face the reality of the situation before you can overcome it.

So what do you do? How to do snap yourself out of this "funk"?

I believe each person is different and you'll need to find something that works for you. But I can at least share with you what I do and maybe, just maybe, you can modify it or even try it yourself to see if it works.

I go and do something that raises my spirits. Something I enjoy and have enjoyed for years.

I bake.

For some reason, the act of taking all the right ingredients and mixing them together and creating something amazing is right up my alley. I admit that is how I prefer to I build my teams in business and that may be why I enjoy baking.

Then, I donate the baked goods to someone who wants and needs them. It may be my own family. It may be my church (which I did recently - today - Grace Lutheran in Escondido, CA) and hearing all the people (both big and small) say that it tastes amazing... makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.

And whamo! I'm snapped out of my "funk" and ready to tackle my tasks again. I think that it really boils down to the fact that you need to get some positive feedback to knock out those negative nellies that haunt your subconscious. The positive feedback banished them from sight, freeing you up to do what you need to do with a positive attitude and open mind.

Well I think that's enough for now. As always, comments are welcome. Follow me if you want to or just visit randomly.

Thanks for your time today and if you find yourself in a "funk" take some steps to get yourself out of it.

Off to bake!

Amanda B Stuckey

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Wonder of Life


I thought that maybe I would start a few different blogs since I have a few different ideas floating around in my head.

For those who don't know me, my name is Amanda Stuckey. I'm a normal, everyday person just like everyone else on the planet. I have my talents and specialties, I have my frustrations, I have my ups and downs, I have dreams and aspiration, I have failures and triumphs.

This particular blog is going to represent my journey through discovering who I exactly am. I personally believe that you change personalities as you grow up. As a child you try on different "faces" as I am watching my daughter currently go through this. She adapts to the children's attitudes around her. As you transition into adulthood, your personality solidifies through your experiences both positive and negative.

Sometimes, adults regress back to that stage of development. We transform and adapt to our environments and become creatures that aren't exactly who we are. We lose a sense of that solidity through heartbreak, loss, and challenges that ultimately defeat us. At this point in time, we HAVE to rediscover who we are and who we are meant to be. This is the point at which I am currently.

Now, I haven't lost anyone, thank God, but I have been defeated in a sense, but only temporarily. Through times of challenge you find out who's going to stick by you through thick and thin. And I know, this is just a regurgitation of what many, many philosophers and psychologist have preached for years but as stubborn and inflexible as adults are, you sometimes have to get jolted hard before you open your eyes to the reality of a situation. This is where you make a choice.

What's the choice?

You become defeated and crumble.


You stand up, brush off, speak a few choice words, and begin to redefine yourself.

I've seen both sides of this wicked coin with different people. That first option is the most dominant choice most people make and that's scary and sad.

So, it's my hope that this blog acts as a guide which documents my own recovery so that it may help others get through this more quickly. These situations are sure to happen multiple times. Yes, multiple times. Some more debilitating than others but still the same beast, just in different disguises.

My first observation of this evil beast seems to fall mostly on women's shoulders. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not an "anti-male", "power hungry female", "110% for women's liberation movement" type of girl - some men are debilitated by this as well. But the majority of the one's I've personally witnessed are with women. Why? I'm not sure and don't know if I will ever know why but I do promise you if I find out I'll share it with you. But I do have some hunches...

Feelings of Inferiority?
Lack of Self Confidence?
Plain ol' Stupidity? (My personal favorite and I think the most likely even though I REALLY hate calling people stupid but sometimes it's the ONLY logical explanation.)

Anyway, I'm almost 99% positive that all those reasons will become obsolete once you rediscover your true self.

Well I think that's enough for now. I'll see if I can't find some good books to recommend next time I blog about this subject.

Thanks for listening, stay strong, and believe in yourself. It's extremely important.

Yours Truly,

Amanda B Stuckey