Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Well let's see here - it's been what about three/four weeks since my last post to reclaiming me. Not that anyone is really interested in my personal life but the last month has been full of "fishpaste".

If your not familiar with the term - watch Spongebob Squarepants. It's his swear word. And a darn good one.

Let see what happened (and I'm going to generalize so as not to get personal because I really don't want to relive the details). Yes, I am selfish that way.

#1. Got hopes up
#2. Hopes got crushed by emergency surgery
#3. Learned I could have died
#4. Reality strikes
#5. Find out something tragic has happened to a loved one
#6. Approximately 2 weeks later that loved one is gone

Yup...that about covers the ENTIRE month of March and a little extra just in case you really didn't get the depth of what was happening.

All the while, I've had one company take a serious look at me after 4 months of consistent searching.


So what did we learn during this episode of reclaiming me...

-> Life if just a bunch of "fishpaste"?

NO. Don't take for granted the little things in life that surround you each day. The most powerful thing that happened to me was realizing that I may have left this earth, my husband, my children, even my dog without ever saying goodbye. And that's when the tears started and still have not stopped. But I put on my brave face and keep on moving forward.

Take a moment out of your day and look at what's around you. Be thankful for the little, common, there everyday consistently, things in your life and appreciate them.

Until Next Time

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)

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