Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pig-Latin ROCKS


T'sia as reatga aydq odayta.

Pig-Latin Translation = It's a great day today.

Throwing some curve balls at you today because that's what I've been getting the past couple of days and I thought maybe I should pay it forward.

In my attempts in reclaiming me, an event of massive proportions has been lowered over my head. Something that will change me and my life forever.

But today, I just wanted to teach my respected and loved readers something you might not know how to do.

WARNING: If you don't know how to do this already and you try this on someone they will (I repeat WILL) do one of the following:

A. Think you've REALLY lost your mind once and for all
B. Laugh (because they are terribly uncomfortable)
C. Talk back to you in the same fashion

Pig-Latin. Remember, reclaiming me is about helping each other get through those low points in your life. You're going to have them and I find Pig-Latin a refreshing way to break the seriousness of the event, day, hour, situation, whatever.

Here's how you do it:

Take the first letter of the word and place it at the end of your word like such:

Penny = Ennyp

Then add the letter A to the end of the new word:

Penny = Ennyp = Ennypa

Then pronounce it the best you can.

As you practice, you can talk in full sentences as I have done to those I love when things get stressful. The laughter that comes from it helps alleviate and relieve any tension and lets you move on with your day with a smile and a memory.

I would NOT recommend you do this in the board room unless you have a fun-filled board who would appreciate a good conversation via Pig-Latin.

Ntilua extna imeta. (Until Next Time)

taysa oolca. (Stay Cool)


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