Thursday, February 17, 2011

FU....The words of the day

Good Morning!

Yes, I know what you're thinking. FU is an abbreviation for something profane. Well it's actually not. It can stand for Furman University or in my case it stands for FOLLOW UP.

On my journey of reclaiming who I am, I am following up with some people I reached out to for advice and counsel. I have yet to see this method actually work out but I will keep the faith.

Anyone ever have any success this method?

Gotta keep it short this morning but will return later. I am however going to check out a some software called Vocus. It's PR software that may be very, very useful to some volunteer projects I've been elected to help out with that I will tell you more about later if you're interested.

Until then...

Stay cool.


P.S. My son just came into the office and said he had a "headegg" (AKA: headache). To be 4 again and not have a care in the world. SO JEALOUS.


  1. Hi Amanda!

    Great to connect with you! Seeking advice and counsel of others is a great way to get feedback and new perspectives, just so long as at the end of the day you do what you feel is right for you. Keep your chin up!!

    I love that! "headegg", I have a 5 year old son and the stuff they come with!!

    Keep up the great work!


  2. Hi April!

    Thank you for your awesome comment and I LOVE your website! I am hoping to expand into something like that. We have very similar likes. I noticed your in TX. Have you ever heard of the DSWA? They are an amazing women's organization. If you have the time (and money) they are having an event at the end of April/May and I know personally that they are amazing. Zig Ziglar is actually going to be a guest speaker there. I would love to go and am still working out a plan to.

    Do you have a blog? I couldn't find it I'd love to follow you!

    Have an amazing day.

    Amanda ;)
