Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dad-Gum Short Term Memory Failure : Reboot! Reboot!

Good Evening,

I woke up this morning with the best title for my blog today and thought to myself..."Don't forget that title - it's perfect! - total eye catcher!" And what do you know - I can't remember. And I am so bummed out about it. Short term memory gets worse and worse as you get older.

Maybe it will come to me while I post this update. Let's pray.

This week has been an interesting one to say the least. Two days (four total if you count the weekend) where family was off from school and home 24/7. Had a great meeting with an friend down in San Diego. Got to meet an amazing spouse of a woman I am volunteer with at church/school and he has worked wonders just today (thank you god - keep your fingers crossed).

So...all-in-all...I think that it's been a great week especially compared to other weeks I've had and shared with you. ~This is when I think "you" need to take note and mark these days so you can fall back upon them when you're having those, more frequent, "not-so-good" days. Hence my Adobe Illustrator artwork below.

One last thought for the evening. I need to heed my own advice - I can hear myself telling myself this right now even before the words become reality and type themselves on this blog page...

(Side Note: I heard that those who talk to themselves are actually way above average intelligence. Well...even if it's not true... I'm taking it ! Take em' when you can get em'!)

It's not always going to be bad. There has to be a balance in the world.

--Good cannot exist without evil.
--Evil cannot exist without good.

The ol' yin and yang theory. And it's true.

YOU also control how you react to those bad days. As I am slowly learning. I have found this trick works for me - maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't.

Less reaction to the bad = happier state of being.

Until next time.

Stay Cool.


P.S. That killer title I had - never came to me. Oh well...I'll remember one of these days and use it in another post in the future.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Holiday Schmoliday


Been a little while since I posted. Well, my family has been home for three straight days and we're about to go onto a fourth. I love them, I really do but I can't get squat done when they are here.

Funny story - my son was watching Cat in the Hat (the newer version with Mike Myers) and the part where he pulls out the "Phunometer" comes up. I start to giggle to myself because I can only imagine what the "Phunometer" would tell me.

So... I personally think I'm right between the Bedwetter and the Control Freak. A little of both. Yeah - I know I'm probably breaking some cardinal sin on admitting that but I come from the school of complete and utter honesty. No matter what.

Honesty can bring you both good and bad circumstances. Trust me I know first hand - and it really all depends on who you're telling that certain truth to.

Short but sweet today - what does the "Phunometer" say you are?

--Just Right?
--Rule Breaker? (My normal reading)
--Control Freak?

Have a great night and enjoy your holiday if you're getting one!

Stay Cool,

Amanda ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stuck like a Goldish?

Good Morning!

I hope that everyone is having a great start in their day or had a great start depending on where in the world you reside.

I'm going to try to not be so doom-and-gloom today. I know...I know...bummer. I have to share this photo with you because it truly capture how I feel today.

Hence the name of my blog today. A picture is worth 1000 words. What do I see in this image?

Well #1 I see a fish in its natural habitat being restrained so that it can't do what it was born to do. Someone is wasting it's god given talent.

What can a goldfish do? What purpose does a goldfish have on this earth?

I'm sure someone knows. I'm not a fish expert but I am smart enough to know that they are part of the "circle of life". (HAHA) Maybe their sole purpose is to help regulate the bug population so insects don't overthrow the world. Who knows, someone does, but that's not me.

But the point is that that - image - is exactly how I feel. I'm being restrained somehow. Maybe I'm restraining myself. Maybe it's my situation that's restraining. Maybe my support system isn't strong enough where I need it to be. Some aspects of the support system are strong while others lack.

Any of you feel this way?

How do you handle it? I tried baking - no relief. I tried exercising til I fell over - no relief. I tried praying - no relief. So I just accepted...I stole this phrase from someone else but it rings true to ALL SITUATIONS:

~~It is what it is~~

Feel free to let me know what your methods are - I'd love to hear them.

Stay cool.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

FU....The words of the day

Good Morning!

Yes, I know what you're thinking. FU is an abbreviation for something profane. Well it's actually not. It can stand for Furman University or in my case it stands for FOLLOW UP.

On my journey of reclaiming who I am, I am following up with some people I reached out to for advice and counsel. I have yet to see this method actually work out but I will keep the faith.

Anyone ever have any success this method?

Gotta keep it short this morning but will return later. I am however going to check out a some software called Vocus. It's PR software that may be very, very useful to some volunteer projects I've been elected to help out with that I will tell you more about later if you're interested.

Until then...

Stay cool.


P.S. My son just came into the office and said he had a "headegg" (AKA: headache). To be 4 again and not have a care in the world. SO JEALOUS.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Declined...What am I an ATM machine?


I swear. I like to swear in special cases like this too. Three jobs and thanks but no thanks. Really? Not even an interview? If I had played a huge part in making you $16 million dollars a month wouldn't you say...hmmm...let's check this one out.


Keep on truckin'. That's what all the "employed" or people who don't need to work keep telling me. I guess that's the best and only advice I can take at this point.

I'm trying to reclaim - I really am. But sometimes you have days that just kick you square in the face, stomp you into the ground, and laugh the entire time doing so... stripping your will and sense of pride right out of you (what little you've built back up).

Hopefully tomorrow bring a better day and more opportunities.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's been one of those days...


I know that everyone has them. You have a stream of days that just seems to never end and everything happening is NOT positive.

A dear friend of mine is having similar luck. She lost her father recently and unexpectedly, broke up with her long time boyfriend, and had a birthday today which she wasn't looking forward to. I told her, "Look on the bright side - usually bad things come in three's then they leave you alone for awhile." Or at least that's been my personal experience. You just have to let the people you love know that you're there for them and sometimes that's all you can do.

I am going to do a personal plug for a VERY good friend of mine, she's the CEO of the DSWA (Direct Selling Women's Alliance). Phenomenal woman who has done a TON of stuff in her life including overcoming some of the worst and bleakest times in her life.

She, her daughter Grace, and the DSWA team are putting on, what they call, a celebration from April 28 - May 1 in Dallas, TX. They have amazing speakers and what they teach is motivation and personal growth among many other women oriented subjects. I highly recommend checking them out.

They have some really great free reports from those who range from those just considering a direct selling gig to those who are already established leaders and executives. The event in Dallas will leave you motivated, rejuvenated, and just simply feeling good about who you are. Nicki Keohohou, CEO and Co-founder, is am amazing person whom I have had the pleasure of personally meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions about them and I can either attempt to answer them or get you in touch with someone who can.

Sometimes when I am in a rut I try to blog about something positive and it usually helps me get out of that "rut". I do hope that you take a peek at the DSWA and if you know anyone who would benefit from a positive environment like the upcoming celebration PLEASE pass on the link included in this blog.

Until next time my friends,

Amanda B Stuckey