Tuesday, March 29, 2011



Well let's see here - it's been what about three/four weeks since my last post to reclaiming me. Not that anyone is really interested in my personal life but the last month has been full of "fishpaste".

If your not familiar with the term - watch Spongebob Squarepants. It's his swear word. And a darn good one.

Let see what happened (and I'm going to generalize so as not to get personal because I really don't want to relive the details). Yes, I am selfish that way.

#1. Got hopes up
#2. Hopes got crushed by emergency surgery
#3. Learned I could have died
#4. Reality strikes
#5. Find out something tragic has happened to a loved one
#6. Approximately 2 weeks later that loved one is gone

Yup...that about covers the ENTIRE month of March and a little extra just in case you really didn't get the depth of what was happening.

All the while, I've had one company take a serious look at me after 4 months of consistent searching.


So what did we learn during this episode of reclaiming me...

-> Life if just a bunch of "fishpaste"?

NO. Don't take for granted the little things in life that surround you each day. The most powerful thing that happened to me was realizing that I may have left this earth, my husband, my children, even my dog without ever saying goodbye. And that's when the tears started and still have not stopped. But I put on my brave face and keep on moving forward.

Take a moment out of your day and look at what's around you. Be thankful for the little, common, there everyday consistently, things in your life and appreciate them.

Until Next Time

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Simplicity of a Dog

Good Afternoon Everyone!

Man...talk about a crazy, hectic week. This has been one for the books. And it's primary theme:


Which, by the way, I have none or atleast very little of. Today's reclaiming me is all about patience and finding it when you need it. That's why I'm going to breifly talk about what I mean by "simplicity of a dog".

Honestly, reclaiming me is really about you and everyone reading this blog. You're looking for someone to relate to or for a solution that just might work this time that someone else has pioneered. Here's yet another suggestion on how to look at life. Sometimes all you need is a little perspective change.

Imagine you're a dog. First, of course, pick what kind of dog you want to be. What are your primary concerns? Food.....(yup).....Water......(yup)......AFFECTION.......(Totally).

And if your lucky, a nice, warm, dry, comfortable place to sleep. Other than those needs, nothing else really matters.

And when you spot a bird and start a chase - that's a luxury and a highlight of your day! Or maybe you get to go to the dog park and sniff a few new butts...right? That again, is the best day of your dog life up until this point! What's tomorrow going to bring! It's all so exciting.

So, as I am learning, slowly, enjoy life's simplicities. Both the good and the bad. As I am sitting here, outside, watching my chocolate lab Daisy, and she is splayed out in the sunshine, litteraly smiling. Sniffs the air. Barks at the neighbors then promptly returns to lay by my feet. The only thing missing right now is a large, fuzzy tennis ball in which she can retrieve and go again. (But we will do that once I'm done with this post - little does she know)

So take a lesson from our finely furry friends, the canines, as I have today in reclaiming me and getting closer day by day.


Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda (BARK!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011



I just wanted to put up a quick post today. I'm in the middle of organizing my work desk and I got a blast of inspiration after having a great phone call with an old friend. And in the theme of reclaiming me...I think this fits perfectly.

I have a mantra-tastic lesson for you courtesy of someone who is wise beyond his years and a fantastic person in general.

I am currently struggling with myself (which seems to be a re-occurring theme here at ol' reclaiming me....but hey... what are you gonna do, right?)

I feel like I'm about to deliver one of the ten commandments here

"And, thus, Phil said to me..." (see what I mean)


These are the new mantra's for me. Hence why I named this little ditty "mantra-tastic".

As most people do naturally, we have the tendency to lean towards the fear of a situation and it becomes self fulfilling. For what reason I have no idea, it's seems easier (maybe more exciting) to dwell in the fear of a situation. When the reality of it is, it creates nothing but pain, dread, and suffering.

We also tend to want to control where we go, what we do, how we live, etc...and lose the freedom and sense of peace that dealing with the here and now gives us.

So my advice to you is to put this on your vision board as I have done today.


I trust in god. I trust in the universe. I trust that my destiny is being presented to me and I will not fight it but welcome it with open arms and an open mind.

Until next time.

Stay Cool.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pig-Latin ROCKS


T'sia as reatga aydq odayta.

Pig-Latin Translation = It's a great day today.

Throwing some curve balls at you today because that's what I've been getting the past couple of days and I thought maybe I should pay it forward.

In my attempts in reclaiming me, an event of massive proportions has been lowered over my head. Something that will change me and my life forever.

But today, I just wanted to teach my respected and loved readers something you might not know how to do.

WARNING: If you don't know how to do this already and you try this on someone they will (I repeat WILL) do one of the following:

A. Think you've REALLY lost your mind once and for all
B. Laugh (because they are terribly uncomfortable)
C. Talk back to you in the same fashion

Pig-Latin. Remember, reclaiming me is about helping each other get through those low points in your life. You're going to have them and I find Pig-Latin a refreshing way to break the seriousness of the event, day, hour, situation, whatever.

Here's how you do it:

Take the first letter of the word and place it at the end of your word like such:

Penny = Ennyp

Then add the letter A to the end of the new word:

Penny = Ennyp = Ennypa

Then pronounce it the best you can.

As you practice, you can talk in full sentences as I have done to those I love when things get stressful. The laughter that comes from it helps alleviate and relieve any tension and lets you move on with your day with a smile and a memory.

I would NOT recommend you do this in the board room unless you have a fun-filled board who would appreciate a good conversation via Pig-Latin.

Ntilua extna imeta. (Until Next Time)

taysa oolca. (Stay Cool)
