Monday, November 7, 2011

Pulling Out - Not What You Think


First off, get your head out of the gutter. The title of today's Reclaiming Me is not referring know...(keeping this as PG as possible for younger readers)but of getting yourself out of that "Pit of Despair".

If you've been following me for whatever reason, you've noticed that it has been like this from the beginning. Ups and downs. All the time. It can get tiresome you know. Anyway, hopefully you're not bored with this yet and hopefully I can tell you how I did it this time around.

Well first off, I prayed. And prayed hard. As I said earlier, I thought I had everything settled and somewhat under control. I had a plan of action. Had all the steps laid out and then it just went up in smoke.

I asked God what I needed to do. And like most times when you think you really need to hear him - he is silent. Allowing you to think on your own but mysteriously working in your life. One night I woke up out of a dead sleep with one word in my head: TRUST.

I interrupted that I must trust God and I need to trust that I am doing the right things to get what I need and what my family needs. If we get tangled up in the mess of the details then we lose focus on the big picture. And this is true not only in life (MPO = My personal opinion) but in business and sports and anything, or any goal you have. Trusting in yourself is really hard to do when you've grown up to not trust yourself or your intuition.

So start to trust yourself. Your instincts. In my case, God. Sorry for going all Holy-Roller on you today but I felt I needed to - and what did we just talk about - trust. Practicing what I preach. Thanks for listening.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Word of the Day: SIKE!


I thought I would put up a quick post from Amanda B Stuckey: Reclaiming Me and let you know that I'm back. Back from the known to the unknown once again. It's one of those 90's words right : SIKE! Where you thought you had something but you really didn't.

I mean really. I got to a point where I was think I can handle this. I can spend time with my children, pay attention to my husband, work and help people, and also get a little me time in there too. Financially, well we weren't lottery winners by any stretch of the definition but we were ok and I for once was very thankful for that.

Then BAM!


Things go right back out of control. And my sanity went with it. Anyone seen it lately? Tell it to come home, it's missed.

I'm back in my black hole. Anyone familiar with the "Pit of Despair?" Or how about the "Land of Stench". Gotta love Princess Bride and Labyrinth movie references right?

Well imagine either of those two places, then magnify that destructive negativity by 50% and you have successfully identified my situation. In other words, Hopeless. (Not really but sometimes you just need to vent and give in - so humor me here)

I fear that I will have to go back to trying to find a 9-5 job and go back to the drawing board. And frankly, I don't have the energy or passion to try to do the song and dance for a future employer just to get told..."You're too over qualified you'll get bored in this position." Or one I love even better is the NO reply at all. Where you never hear from them after you apply. That's really cool. Nice job.

Anyway enough for today before I drag you into my world. I promise I will post a happier more sunshiny blog later this week. But until then...

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)