Saturday, December 10, 2011



Sometimes, when you feel lost and unsure of yourself, a simple personality test brings you back home. In Amanda B Stuckey: Reclaiming Me, I want to share with you my personality test results and how it reminded me of who I am.

As from the title: I am, according to CenterMark testing, an ENTJ.

E = Extrovert
N = Intuition
T = Thinking
J = Judging

Now each one of these doesn't mean the definition of the actual word. So here's a summary for you;

E = Get satisfaction from engaging the people around them and interacting with them.
N = Are innovators. And prefer to focus on possible innovations, new markets, and adding value.
T = Choose to take a step back and analyze situations - looking at the pros and the cons and get a solid understanding of the landscape before making a decision.
J = Like to plan ahead and work towards closure.

About 1-4% of the female population are ENTJ's. But what really kind of hit home was the description of an ENTJ. Here's what CenterMark says they are (I am);

-- Frank and decisive
-- Natural leaders
-- Think on their feet
-- Exude confidence
-- Are well-informed
-- Action and achievement oriented

ENTJ's are born to lead. So natural in their leadership abilities that is has been said that ENTJ's cannot not lead. Our attitude ..."There has to be a better mouse trap."

I read this report and it made me pause. Everything I was reading I could pinpoint a time in my career that I performed or executed that exact action that they were describing. You know the statement, "I am woman hear me roar!"

Well, "I am ENTJ...let's move forward!"

OK getting of my soapbox now. Coming back down to earth. But really, this little test reminded me of who I naturally am and cleared some of the haziness out of my brain. There is always a solution no matter how desperate the situation seems.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda :)