Wednesday, May 11, 2011



It's been awhile since I last posted. Please accept my apology. On Amanda B Stuckey - Reclaiming Me - I want to talk about endurance for a moment.

Endurance applies to many areas of life. Most people automatically think of athletic venues.

Today I want you to direct your endurance definition to the mind.

The Thinker, by Auguste Rodin in 1902, was the image that popped into my head while I was "thinking" about this blog post.

I can not imagine the time and endurance it took him to create this magnificent sculpture in bronze. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

Mental endurance is a skill set that can be developed and is an necessity of survival. If you mind breaks then your spirit and well being quickly follow. Trust me, I've had that happen before and it manifested itself into something called Bell's Palsy.

Bell's Palsy is when the 7th cranial nerve gets inflamed and swells, cutting of the circulation to one side of you face thus paralyzing one half of your face. The 7th cranial nerve is the only nerve in the body that is housed by a bone. Anyway, this has happened to me 3 times and on alternating sides of my face. As a result of the second time it happened, the right side of my face has some residual paralysis and doesn't move like the other side of my face. Talk about a real downer.

Anyway, my point in sharing this with you is looking back on those 3 times, I could pin point the exact moments where my mental endurance caved in thus my body quickly followed in caving in.

How do you build mental endurance?

Quite honestly, I am still trying to figure that one out. But of what I have experienced, I believe that effectively managing the stress in your life is an exercise that will build mental endurance.

--Controlling your reactions to disastrous events as best you can
--Taming your temper if you have one (like me)
--Learning how to stop and think instead of instantly react

All of the mental exercises will eventually become habit forming and your endurance will prove to be a great asset to your life in general. This year has been a particularly opportunistic year to practice your mental endurance I think.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to share them. I am always up for learning and growing.

Thanks for listening.

Until Next Time.

Stay Cool.

Amanda ;)